Rain Water Harvesting tank (Recharge)

Committed to save ecology, We provide Rain water harvesting installations and solution using Modular ‘Cross wave’ technology made available by the Japanese polymer giant, SEKISUI CHEMICALS. The Pure Rain ® filter installed along with ensures that no suspended solid can pass through along with water in the harvesting tank. As a team we are one of the largest environmental impact creators with technology in India. Our team has experience of installation of more than 150 Rainwater Harvesting projects across India and growing across the Asian continent.

Rain Water Holding Tank

The Rain water collected can also be stored for later usage also. This is more commonly known as ‘Fire Water Holding’ tank which is a mandatory industrial requirement. The modular ‘Cross wave’ can be enclosed and a void space for water storage is created. The overflow from this Holding tank can be diverted further to a ‘Recharge’ or a ‘Percolation’ tank. The water stored can used for Horticulture purpose or for re use later. We have successfully executed such projects across India.

Rain Water Percolation tank

Rain water percolation pits can easily be constructed using Pure Rain ® filter and Cross wave modular structures. The time for construction of the tanks is 1/10th of the construction time required for conventional RCC and brickwork tanks. Percolation tanks are very successful in neighborhood parks and can be very effective to clear water clogging in township areas.

Storm Water Drain

Storm water drainage system is designed to drain excess rain and ground water from impervious surfaces such as paved streets, car parks, parking lots, footpaths, sidewalks, and roofs. Modular Cross wave can be successfully used for this purpose also. The drains are made in water clogging areas and parks to collect and drain water avoiding the unhygienic stagnation in public areas.

Bio Swale

A bio swale or vegetated swale is a form of bio retention used to partially treat water quality, attenuate flooding potential and convey storm water away from critical infrastructure. We undertake such jobs continuing its commitment to conserve ecology.

Hydrogeological Investigation

We conduct detailed hydrogeological investigations comprising well inventory, water level monitoring, Lake Bathymetry, infiltration and pump tests is carried out in a few selected observation wells in order to estimate transmissivity (T) and storability (S) in all major lakes which are highly polluted by the discharge of sewage and other chemical effluents. The salient features of results are presented lake wise which would be of immense use in restoration of all lakes. Also, the outcome of this study along with infiltration rates may be used for modeling in future to simulate the surface water-ground water interaction.

Ground water mapping & survey

We conduct large scale Ground water surveys mapping the water table levels in different regions across the country. We also work on natural solutions and restoration of earlier created ground water storage units.